Let’s support local pole dance studios and let’s dance

The last year and a half has been one hell of a spin. We were definitely pushed sent off balance. So many restrictions, so many challenges, so many changes around us. Numerous restrictive measures were destructive for so many small businesses. A lot of them were consequently forced to shut down and so many people lost their jobs …


It’s just heartbreaking to listen to or read such sad stories. Pole dance studios were one of the vulnerable business groups, because they were not allowed to work for quite a while. Can you imagine yourself being a pole dance studio owner? Suddenly you get orders to close your precious small business, which you’ve been working so hard for…


That’s why I decided to dedicate this post to all the small businesses that are trying to survive through these challenging times, including pole dance studios.


So, September is here and for several of them, the upcoming autumn can be a time for new beginnings. Many people are considering better nutrition, more physical activity and new challenges.


If you’re just thinking of taking up new exercise after long hot summer, then consider pole dance and please choose a local studio. Please, support those small businesses that are desperately trying to survive these challenging times. Yes, I know that there’s a bunch of online pole dance classes, but practising pole dance live in a group is definitely something special.


Before going to your practice, you’ll prepare your favourite pole dance apparel: top, shorts, knee pads (of course!) … It’ll become a some sort of ritual for you. You’ll be surrounded by like-minded women that share the same struggles, desires and goals.


I know from my own experience that the pole dance community’s really supportive and encouraging. So with every pole dance practice, you don’t get only great physical activity that will help you get in good shape, but you will also get so much love and support from your fellow pole dancers. There’s also a wonderful chance to create new friendships in a pole dance studio.


That, in my opinion, beats every single online pole dance practice. And what’s more: We should never, ever forget the importance of solidarity. Only if we unite and support each other, will we successfully get through these challenging times. Because I firmly believe, that despite all the challenges that we are facing every single day, in the end, everything will be ok.




Now I would like to hear your thoughts: Do you support small businesses that were affected by the pandemics? Did you change your habits regarding physical activities during these times? Do you practise pole dance online by yourself or do you prefer going to the pole dance studio? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. 

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