When we work hard we often forget to stop and celebrate our small (and sometimes even bigger) accomplishments and successes. On top of the normal day-to-day tasks of running the Poledancerka business, we put a lot of time and energy into this blog, and it means a lot when we get your kind feedback. It’s especially empowering to see that all our efforts are paying off.
Soooo … I have a very special announcement for you … Poledancerka’s blog has ranked 4th among 60 pole dance blogs and websites. This is huge for us! And it is definitely a reason to celebrate!
Receiving such recognition means the world to us. It means that all the hard work isn’t for nothing. It feels like our mission is really bringing an added value to this world.
As a consequence, we would really like to thank all of you who read this blog and support our brand. There are no words that can describe how grateful and privileged we feel. We’re doing things that we love. We are the best team in the world, and we’re surrounded by the most loving and supporting pole dance community. And because of that, it’s always easier to overcome all the obstacles and challenges that come our way.
We created this blog for all of you, who love pole dance and want to do something good for yourself. We started writing it to lift you up, to give you an additional confidence boost. And our biggest goal was: to teach you how to accept and love yourself, no matter what.
For us, pole dance is not only a sport, it’s so much more. Giving yourself a good spin on the pole is so empowering. It’s hard to describe those feelings … but I think you know what I have in mind.
We really don’t know what the future has in store for us, but we know that we want to continue Poledancerka’s story and mission: To give you high-quality pole dance apparel and accessories. And importantly, we’re heading more and more towards sustainability, as we believe this is the only right way in the fashion industry.
What about this blog? We just want to keep on inspiring you, entertaining you, empowering you and giving you lots of useful pole dance tips and tricks.
Thank you one more time for all the positive feedback that we’ve received over these years. If you have any requests about future blog posts, please share them. We’re always happy when we get a requests, suggestions and comments …
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