This was an exciting year, that’s for sure. Things finally started to return to normality. And it was nice to have more social activity again, which is what we missed the most over the past two years. We are social beings, and we need the company of each other. That’s why it felt so great to be part of the 7th edition of Croatia Pole Camp again this year, and we look forward to even more gatherings and events in the coming year.
At the same time, this was also a year full of bold steps. We worked hard, so we’re very proud of ourselves. Again, our blog was among the best – to be precise, it ranked 4th among 60 pole dance blogs and websites. That achievement was really a big thing for us. And at this point, we would like to express gratitude to all of you who are supporting us and reading these lines every month. It really means a lot.
But this year’s most significant achievement was definitely the sustainable collection launch. With this collection, we wanted all of us to stop talking so much and start doing more. Every change begins with the first step, the first action, right?
That’s why this collection was designed for everyone who wants to avoid standing still and observing what is going on with our planet but actively participate in much-needed change. We are responsible for our lives, and that’s what we should never forget. It’s not about more, but about quality. It’s not about others, it’s about us. We decide what kind of consumers we are going to be. Are we still going to support fast fashion and all the slavery behind it, or will we become more responsible and conscious consumers? Because we have a choice, and our actions count.
We decide how we’re going to live our lives. We only have one life, so it’s better to make the most of it – living it in alignment with our true nature, values and beliefs.
And with this thought, we would like to conclude the last blog of 2022. I want you to know you are in charge of your happiness. If you want something, go for it. No one else will do it instead of you. And yes, changes are scary. But life is not only about rainbows and unicorns. It’s also about taking risks, being brave, and standing for yourself and your beliefs. It’s about showing up every day – even when it’s hard.
So, 2023 bring it on! We are looking forward to more great experiences!
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