Please note:
*When placing your order please calculate also the amount of time that it takes for us to prepare your order for shipping. This typically takes 2 – 5 days however, some orders may ship within as few as 1 day and some may take up to 5 days.
If you have placed an order for delivery outside of the European Union, please note that custom fees and import taxes are imposed once the parcel arrives in the country of destination. As your order will be held by customs, you may be asked to pay these fees and taxes. These fees must be paid by the receiver (this also applies to retailers and wholesalers).
Unfortunately, we do not have any control over the amount imposed nor are we able to estimate the fees as the customs regulations vary from country to country. Please note that some countries calculate fees based on the full invoice amount (excluding any discounts).
If you notice any damage after unpacking the package, contact us within the following 14 days through the email
Additional shipping information
Unfortunately, we do not have any control over the package once it leaves our warehouse. After this, it is in the hands of Post Offices/Services of different countries. We are not responsible for lost or damaged items or shipment mistakes made by the Postal Services.
** It is the buyer’s responsibility to give us correct shipping information, we are not responsible for any “loss of order” or “return to sender” due to incorrect shipping information being provided at the time of order. In case of “return to sender,” you will be charged for the shipping fee or pay reshipping costs if you want the package to be shipped again.
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